Digitally "inked" Black and White spots for Public Libraries Materials

In honor of Jake Parker's "Inktober" I'm posting a few spots from a series of 60 black and white  illustrations that were digitally created for the  recent "Build a Better World" theme for the National Library System.    I used to ink everything with... well... ink, but switched to digital a few years back.   Unlike actual ink, working digitally saves me from a few things:  an india-ink induced allergic cough, smudges from my hand, the added step of scanning in and adjusting art, and the lack of an "undo" button.  Real inking is still the "cool" way to work, but hey-  I was never very cool.  I also don't miss the ruined-drawing-rage-outs that sometimes occurred when a pen-nib decided to misbehave.
